Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year

January is here, and so is the time for resolutions.

Losing weight.
Getting fit.
Eating better.

While these resolutions are great, and important, don't forget to add a strategy.
HOW exactly will you accomplish these goals?

Maybe limit the sugar in your diet, 
start a regular exercise routine, eat more fresh whole foods.

It's easy to say what you would like to accomplish...
Achieving it is another thing.

Make a plan.
Create the space in your time table.
Sign a contract with yourself.
Get a "buddy" with a similar goal and be accountable to each other.


If you haven't already made a resolution for 2012...
here are some of my own suggestions:

READ MORE - or start reading a genre of book you don't normally read...
expand your horizons!

PRIORITIZE SLEEP - Cheating yourself from a full nights rest is linked to memory loss, chronic obesity, stress, decreased alertness, and stroke. 

USE YOUR VACATION DAYS - life is short, take a break and treat yourself
and your family to undisturbed quality time. 

PRACTISE YOGA - Good for your body, mind, and soul...head to toe...inside & out. 
Just give it a try!

HAVE A MASSAGE - Regular massage therapy will decrease your stress/anxiety, 
decrease your tension, help with body awareness, allow you to easier cope 
with the stresses of work & life, along with a LOT of other great benefits.


Having a monthly massage therapy appointment will keep your body well tuned.
Don't wait till you "need" it - book it now and prevent injury.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all.
Here's to a healthy 2012 for all of us!