January is here, and so is the time for resolutions.
Losing weight.
Getting fit.
Eating better.
While these resolutions are great, and important, don't forget to add a strategy.
HOW exactly will you accomplish these goals?
Maybe limit the sugar in your diet,
start a regular exercise routine, eat more fresh whole foods.
It's easy to say what you would like to accomplish...
Achieving it is another thing.
Make a plan.
Create the space in your time table.
Sign a contract with yourself.
Get a "buddy" with a similar goal and be accountable to each other.
If you haven't already made a resolution for 2012...
here are some of my own suggestions:
READ MORE - or start reading a genre of book you don't normally read...
expand your horizons!
PRIORITIZE SLEEP - Cheating yourself from a full nights rest is linked to memory loss, chronic obesity, stress, decreased alertness, and stroke.
USE YOUR VACATION DAYS - life is short, take a break and treat yourself
and your family to undisturbed quality time.
PRACTISE YOGA - Good for your body, mind, and soul...head to toe...inside & out.
Just give it a try!
HAVE A MASSAGE - Regular massage therapy will decrease your stress/anxiety,
decrease your tension, help with body awareness, allow you to easier cope
Having a monthly massage therapy appointment will keep your body well tuned.
Don't wait till you "need" it - book it now and prevent injury.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all.
Here's to a healthy 2012 for all of us!